Babies, Beaches, Boats, & The Tips to Enjoy Them


Babies & boats...two of my favorite things, but not necessarily together. So if you’re like me & the the idea of spending the day trapped on a floating vessel with your precious, but also very needy little humans raises your anxiety level a few notches, well this post’s for you momma...or aunty, or friend of a mom, or even random stranger who could potentially end up boating with someone else & their baby. You really can’t be too prepared, bc Lord knows, kids can & will crash everyone’s fun in sun if you’re not prepared.

And if that mom is a full time, paycheck earning, dinner cooking, soccer practice carting, church volunteering, exhausted momma, well then trust me when I say, she won’t see this article. Probably because she barely has time to brush her teeth, let alone sit around reading my blog. So do her (& yourself, if you ever boat or beach with her) a favor & share these awesome “fun in the sun” tips with her. 

I will make a small commission on some of these items, but they wouldn’t have made the list if I didn’t really love them. So go wild, click those links, & maybe I’ll score a free cup of coffee with my earnings at the end of the month! At least the extra shot of espresso in it, anyway. A girl can dream. 

Okay, so here it is to actually have fun with your little ones on the beach, boat, or poolside. 

#1 Cool place to play

(Palm tree pool here) & (baby tub here)

Kiddie pools aren’t just for the backyard. Bring one aboard on boat day, & you won’t have to deal with a hot, bored, or wandering baby. Baby tubs filled with a jug of water & propped under an umbrella are great for keeping little babies cool on the beach too. 

#2 Short trips 

This one seems obvious, but just in case...Don’t even attempt to go out all day. Plan your trip around nap times to avoid ruining the experience, & if boating, make sure to give them a break with island or dock stops along the way.

#3 Ice pops

(Get them here)

Ice pops, ice pops & more ice pops. It’s the universal problem solver for whining, boredom, hunger, & 100 degree temps, yes 100, welcome to a lowcountry summer. But really...any level of crying can be silenced in the time it takes me to dig to the bottom of the cooler & whip out this frozen magic. Oh, you cut your foot on a shell? Here’s an ice pop. Oh, your sister threw sand in your face, here’s an ice pop, the seagulls stole your hot dog, here’s an ice pop, hot, tired & your whole world is falling apart? Here’s an ice pop, now eat up & let me read another 11 mins of “Terms of Surrender” (get it here) before your next meltdown. 

#4 Umbrella 

(Get it here)

The mac daddy of beach umbrellas, because the best way to ruin your day at the sandbar is chasing after a rogue umbrella turned death trap barreling down the beach taking out toddlers. This is a must have for my family since we seem to have a track record of rogue umbrellas. That & falling Christmas trees seem to be are our curse, but I’ll get into that in December 🎄. 

#5 Pedialyte 

(Get some here)

This may seem weird to some of y’all, but my kids have major issue with staying hydrated. They’re normally having so much fun, they can’t stop to drink more than a few sips before rushing back to their sandcastles or arguing over shovels. Since they won’t drink a lot out there, I fill their cups with Pedialyte to help them stay as hydrated as possible. 

#6 Chill your sunscreen
Stick your sunscreen in the cooler to keep it chilled. You’ll cool down baby’s body temp while you re-apply at the beach.

#7 Speaking of sunscreen...

(Get some here)

Limelife has amazing all natural ones, & I can hardly contain my excitement about the baby line rolling out any day now!

#8 Cornstarch or Baby powder 

This works amazing for getting the sand off your kids’ when you make it back to the car. Sprinkle a little on, & it will help the sand fall & stay off.

#9 Portable baby chair 

(Get it here)

This thing is amazing. We have it at our back porch table permanently, & bring it to the beach, on the boat, camping, everywhere.


#10 Mom sized beach bag

(Get mine here) or (this cute one here)

Since becoming a mom, I don’t think a bag can be too big unless you just physically can’t carry it ha. I mean, towels, toys, diapers, wipes, swim diapers, a change of clothes, the list is never ending. A stylish, sturdy, & HUG,  bag is a necessity post kids. 

#11 Beach wagon

(Get one here)

We majorly parent failed with how long it took us to spring for one of these bad boys. LIFE SAVER!

#12 Hat

(Get one here)

Picture perfect, SPF friendly, hats that keep the rosy cheeks & peeling noses at bay.

#13 Canned alcohol 

(shop it here)

Wine! Preferably one clean crafted, half the calorie & carbs, & won’t leave you feeling crumby the next morning. Scout & Cellar offers sparkling white, bubbly rosé, white & rosè in 4 packs or a variety pack with one of each. Oh, & it’s 13% alcohol, so you can catch a buzz without feeling full after chugging all those seltzer’s or beers. If you’re looking for something even more refreshing, go with the wine spritzers. Lower alcohol content at 6%, but oh, so delicious. 

#14 Yeti Cooler

(Get ours here)

Only the best will do. You can’t risk melting those coveted ice pops!


#14 Fancy Fans

(Get one here)

We all get hot out there, but little ones haven’t yet learned to deal with their emotions, so they’ll most likely end up in tantrum mode when the heat gets to them. Fans will keep them cool & probably entertain them too. Just make sure to to grab an extra so you don’t have to play referee over sharing. 

#15 These adorable swim suits, bc Instagram..duh 

(Girls here) & (Boys here)