Mommy Daughter Weekend & Why You (Two) Need It

Not sure if she’ll look back at this pic & think I was a cool mom or a total dork for these outfits, but today I’m “the best mommy EVER” so I’ll just soak up these days when she’s little and I’m still her favorite person. Check out my sweet mom friend’s website, for these precious t-shirts & more

The mouse, midnight swims, car jam out sessions, & snacks on snacks on snacks…that’s what mine & my 4yr old’s Mommy Daughter weekend looked like last February. Hands down, these two days are my all-time favorite memories with my girl.  There was something so incredibly special about getting her alone, out of our element, & experiencing new things together that I can’t possibly do it justice on my keyboard. I’ll give it my best effort to caption enough to motivate you to plan your own though.

Let me start off by saying there’s no right age, just right now! First off, because we aren’t promised tomorrow. I have a friend who had been planning a trip to Europe with her mom for several years, but they kept pushing it off for a better time. Her mom passed away from a heart attack at 49. To this day, my friend says the only thing she regrets in life is never making that trip a priority. I plan to be around to see my daughter grow old, but I really do live life knowing it’s not a guarantee. Maybe that seems morbid to some people, but it’s just the way my brain works, & I’ve told myself many times that I’m going to leave my daughter with as many fun & happy memories of me as I possibly can incase the Lord does decide to call me sooner than I would like. When things or opportunities pop up that I want to pass on, but know it would be special to her, I really do tell myself this & usually do the thing.

Secondly, there’s always something you can do together, no matter how old she is. So many moms & daughters don’t vacation together until she’s in college or even later in life.  So much is missed! You will learn so much more about her, & I promise she will teach you how to view the world through the eyes of a child, which is an incredible gift too. The memories will last a lifetime no matter the age. Mine still talks about things from ours with a giant smile on her face & gleam in her eye. We remember different parts of the trip & piece it together completely & perfectly when we reminisce together.

To be honest, I dreamed of things like this from the day the ultrasound tech, said “Girl!” However, I just assumed I would have to wait till she was a older, like elementary school. See, I didn’t actually plan a girl’s weekend. Matt & I decided to take her to Disney World for her 4th birthday, but then he ended up not being able to go a couple weeks out. We hadn’t booked a hotel or told her about it yet, so we easily could have let it die. I just didn’t want her to miss out though, & to be honest, I had really been looking forward to it too. So, I decided to take her anyway. I arranged for my son to stay with my mom while Matt was gone, found a hotel, & started planning our itinerary.

I was a little freaked out & super nervous since I hadn’t really travelled without my husband or friends before. Not to mention, I have a TERRIBLE sense of direction.  I also wasn’t sure if my daughter was ready for a big trip like this. I worried it might be a lot of stress on me all weekend, & I would regret it. My fears started to materialize on the way there. I got lost, then knew where to go, but missed the exit twice, then hit traffic, added two hours to the commute, & kylie’s iPad died-which I learned is the absolute worst thing in the ENTIRE world to happen to a 4yr old. And I thought to myself 37 times, “why the hell did I do this?! This was a terrible idea!” And then we got there & the magic happened.

Ya’ll, she was an angel! It’s like she knew how special it was, & really got into the whole “girls’ getaway” thing acting all mature. Maybe it was the fact that she didn’t have to compete for my attention with anyone else or that she was just so grateful for the special treatment, but she was a different kid. I’m talking polite, patient, well mannered, sweet, funny & just an absolute joy every minute for a solid 58hrs. Everything went back to normal about 30 mins outside home, but let’s just focus on the positive right now haha.

She was incredible, even when I said no to something. She just said, “okay mommy.” It was a fairytale, people. We got to experience each other’s best selves because we were so happy & each other’s sole priority. I’m well aware that I’m not always going to be her best friend. Mother/daughter relationships can be rocky through the years, so I’m not taking any of these days for granted. I also plan to make these trips a tradition so that even through the years she thinks I’m a nag, we’ll keep a close bond. Someday I see us sipping wine together at vineyard, going to the spa & shopping for something other than princess crowns & jawbreakers. But these days I’m relishing in sharing cotton candy, playing I spy at restaurants, & her extra tight squeezes on the rollercoaster.  I know it’s fleeting & I’m soaking up every last ounce.

The snags we hit on the ride were nothing, NOTHING, compared to all the hand holding, belly laughing, & pure bliss that disconnecting together from life's daily realities brought us. We were able to just talk & enjoy each other. Time together is precious, & it’s something to prioritize. You don’t have to go to Disney World to have this incredible experience.  Camping or swapping houses with another mom friend & her daughter to experience each other’s towns are more budget friendly weekends. Lastly, it doesn’t even have to be a trip. Make it a special night. Go do something you’ve both never done, or just try a new restaurant. Whatever you do, give yourself the gift of uninterrupted time to build lasting memories with that sweet girl of yours, because you two & your relationship are worth it.