Half Mile Farm Inn


A lot of you messaged me recently asking where we stayed in Highlands, NC. I’ve put little a post together for you on the Highland’s here, but needed to highlight Half Mile Farm in its own post, because it’s just too special not to go into detail about.  This mountain escape is the epitome of romance for a lovers stay, & the most perfect retreat for a relaxing, girls getaway.

We love a good Airbnb, & there’s no shortage of them around the area, but I just don’t think there’s a better way to do the Highlands than staying at Half Mile Farm. Think fancy hotel meets charming bed & breakfast, & you’ve arrived at the picturesque, sprawling 14 acre sanctuary that is, Half Mile Farm. Pack your Scout & Cellar wine, since you can’t afford a hangover & don’t want crumby, overpriced wine full of sugar & calories on vacation (get it here), & you’re all set for the trip of a lifetime.

Tucked away ever so sweetly, just a half mile from downtown, it quells any & every thought outside of rest & relaxation the moment you embark upon the winding, pebble lined drive to the grand porte-cochère that welcomes your arrival. Once you’ve grabbed your complimentary flute of champagne & exchanged pleasantries with the concierge (who will remember your name all week), you can bask in the elegance of your room, take in the views from your private balcony, or head out to explore all the resort has to offer. 


Lush, grassy hilled lawns, bountiful gardens, mesmerizing forests, & babbling brooks, all anchored by the majestic, lily pad adorned, pond resting at the center. Unambiguously named, Apple Lake is lined with apple trees stretching out & casting shadows over the lake  that reflect back on the calm water. 

The property embodies peacefulness with the only invading sounds being that of nature. Chirping sparrows, buzzing bees, running water, & the quiet hum of blades of grass brushing together in the wind. It’s the perfect backdrop for disappearing into a good book, sipping a glass of wine (scout & cellar, of course 😉) or just quietly relishing in your own thoughts for a change, as you find it easier & easier to fully slip away from the responsibilities of “real life” you’ve left behind. 

FYI, these adorable & comfy overalls are from Khols, hat & flower graphic tee are from Target

FYI, these adorable & comfy overalls are from Khols, hat & flower graphic tee are from Target

There’s no shortage of activities to keep you busy too! A game of bocce ball in the soft grass, an endearing bar serving up signature cocktails & charcuterie, row boats & paddle boards quietly calling you past the docks edge, & a heated mineral pool for a dip or jacuzzi to soak in. Just make sure, wherever you venture, that you’re back in time for 5 o’clock hors d'oeuvres & drinks at the main house. You won’t want to miss this delicious & complimentary 😉 perk of staying at Half Mile. 


Speaking of perks...you will also be served up a complimentary three course breakfast every morning in the ambiance of their charmingly, rustic dining room, open on three sides with floor to ceiling windows when the weather is nice. On our last morning there, I looked over the iron balcony railing & watched two bunnies darting in & out of the garden beds & hopping down the pebbled path while I sipped my coffee & waited for my next course. It was a dream.

The inn also offers a free shuttle to & from town, will make local dinner reservations for you, & bend over backwards to exceed your every expectation from the moment you arrive to your departure. 

Gracing the North Carolina Mountains with it’s own unique beauty, you won’t run out of things to do or sights to see right there on the property. Matt & I arrived with a long list of things to do & see, but found ourselves canceling more & more of our off site plans everyday in exchange for hanging around the resort. We immersed ourselves in rest, & filled our bellies with good wine & fancy bites.  And yes, I brought my own Poet’s Blend honey & my own clean crafted wine, because I know what tastes good & what’s good for my body.

I recommend taking a stroll (wine glass in hand, of course) down one of the gravel paths nestled under an archway of trees, sprinkled throughout the grounds. Find your way to the comfort of a secluded, antique chair that adorns every corner of the inn, or opt for a shaded patch of grass under an old oak. There’s no shortage of lovely places to get cozy. A favorite of ours was under the grape arbor. It’s a beautiful little spot complete with a set of tables nestled under arches of green grapes dangling above. Wonder around the beautifully landscaped flower & vegetable gardens, grab a fishing pole from the main house & head to the lake, or just plop down for an elegant picnic packed just for you. The hotel will have you picnicking in style with the cutest little basket (perfect for adorable photos 😉), good wine & lots of yummies to nosh on while you bask in all the beauty the farm has to offer. Just make sure to reserve your picnic lunch 24hrs in advance. 

FYI, I’m in love with this jumpsuit from Grace & Blossom Boutique. Check out this sweet gal’s shop here!

FYI, I’m in love with this jumpsuit from Grace & Blossom Boutique. Check out this sweet gal’s shop here!

There is always something going on at the inn too. A highlight to our week was the movie they projected on the lawn outside. You could sit in the grass or the chairs they set up, & it was a romantic treat to cuddle up together under a sky full of stars & laugh. The film was “The Princess Bride”, (thus the laughing) the snacks & drinks were unlimited & spot on movie goodies, & the service was exceptional. They even came around & handed out blankets to anyone who wanted one. 

Whether you hit the trails early & hike all day, or just lounge by the pool all afternoon, the best way to end the day is definitely sitting by the fire pit on the grassy knoll, overlooking the lake. Golden hour becomes magic hour, as the last snap of sunshine gleams through the forested horizon. Once dusk has settled in, you can get everything you need to make your own s’mores from the bar. Okay, here’s the best tip in this whole article, ready...

Grab two of the complimentary cookies from the basket inside & use them for your s’more instead of the graham crackers. Oh, did I forget to mention that there’s a basket of delicious cookies (that were somehow always warm 🙌) just sitting around for your pleasure at all times. Well there is, & Matt grabbed one literally every time he walked by! I pretty much stuck to the usual dessert hours, & can tell you that you need to step your s’more game up with these yummies! They have a variety of cookies, & they’re all the bomb on a s’more (I should know 😉) 

When you finally pull yourself away from the fire, you’ll return to your room to find your bed turned down welcoming you with a chocolate on the pillow. Your robes laid out & slippers sitting ever so cutely on a little mat by the side of your bed. They’ll have drawn the shades, lowered the lights, & flipped the fireplace on for your arrival. It doesn’t get better people, it just doesn’t. And for that reason, make sure you tip those sweet little angles who clean your crap & make you feel like royalty every time you walk in. 

Half Mile Farm caters to relaxation. Whether it’s curled up next to the fireplace for a romantic chat, sipping a glass of wine & munching a cheese plate on the patio, or drifting around a quiet lake in row boat, you will find the peace & serenity you’re looking for at this Highlands retreat. We personally like a little adventure, so we spent a good bit of time hiking & playing in the nearby waterfalls, which made us appreciate the relaxing vibe of this place even more. After a day of hiking, nothing beats a morning massage from the Serenity Suite which is right there on the grounds. You’re close enough to town to pop in & out as you please, while also being far enough away to feel quiet & secluded. 

If you’re looking to soak up some fresh mountain air & settle into a slower paced lifestyle for a few days, Half Mile Farm is place for you! We’ve traveled a lot & most of the time we end up needing a vacation from vacation because we’re exhausted. This trip was the first one we came home feeling rejuvenated from & ready to take on all the demands of life with full force. Isn’t that what vacation’s about? For all these reasons & more, you need to book your visit to this magical little corner of the world ASAP. And don’t forget to order your wine from yours truly, before you head out ;) Get it here!

Cheers to happy traveling, friends!