Hi, I’m Heather

Lover of the Lord, laughter & the lowcountry, & losing myself in the balancing act of raising a family, running a business & trying to look & feel good doing it. With all the little to dos buzzing around my head like Carolina sand gnats, most days I don’t know where my keys are let alone where my life is headed, but I’m surrendering to the insanity & finding my calm in the chaos.

We moms have a lot of different roles we have to play, sometimes all in one day, but I’m making a conscious effort to  take stock of these busy blessings, & am taking in all the sights on these unknown paths of life right now. So come laugh with me as I inevitability take some paths not to follow in motherhood but, God willing, hopefully still raise kind & happy children. I hope to inspire you to recognize the greatness in yourself & the women around you, & maybe bring you a smile (or a chuckle) on my journey. Despite life being crazy, I wouldn’t change a thing about it or the people I get to do it with. Ok, maybe I would take a money tree out back & a live in maid, but in general, I think I have a pretty incredible life. I can’t take credit for any part of this dream I’m living without giving Him all the glory.