Quail Egg Casserole


I happen to stumble across these adorable little quail eggs at Publix the other day, & couldn’t pass on trying them. ⁣ I was in a particular good mood this morning, due I’m sure, to the fact that no kids ended up in my bed last night, & I woke up refreshed & ready to take on the day for a change. 

My “creations,” as my darling husband puts it, don’t always hit it outta the park, but this one was a grand slam, so I definitely recommend trying it. Feel free to make alterations & share how it turns out! 


1 red onion diced

3 red potatoes chopped 

1/2lb bacon chopped 

8 oz mushrooms chopped  (I used Publix’s gourmet variety mushrooms)

4oz mozzarella cheese shredded

Handful of goat cheese crumbled 

1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley 

Course ground garlic to taste 

Salt & pepper to taste 

1 tbsp butter 


  • Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F

  • Chop/dice ingredients & ready frying pan 

  • Toss onions & bacon into pan, keep on low until bacon starts releasing some fat. Turn to medium & cook about 5 mins longer before adding mushrooms. 

  • Sprinkle course ground garlic over & cook another 3-4 min until bacon is crisp & onion/mushroom are soft. set aside (you can drain if necessary)

  • Place everything in a skillet

  • Sprinkle parsley, mozzarella cheese, goat cheese over top

  • Salt & pepper to taste

  • Chop tbsp of butter & place spread out over top of mixture 

  • Crack quail eggs over top, spreading around top mixture

  • Bake 6-7 minutes (longer if using regular eggs)

  • Serve immediately with whole grain toast & fresh fruit 😋