Fall Colors Are My Jam: Welcome Back September

Some girls go giddy with excitement to pull out all the happy, bright colors each spring. Shrieking with excitement over cupcake pink lips, champagne pop cheekbones, & lavender shadows. Don’t get me wrong, I have love for everything makeup, so I’ll rock a hot pink lip & play in some pretty pastel shadows, but Fall is my comfort zone. This actually goes for fashion all around. I’m all about some burgundy sweaters, suede boots, & a pumpkin pie lip. September 15th hits & I completely switch up my makeup bag no matter what the outside thermometer says, because can we ever really have too much of a good thing? I think not. Fall is my favorite time of year, & the colors of it just so happen to be the best shades for my face. So, let’s get to it...

I know a lot of you makeup lovers don’t want to hear it, but it starts with your skin. I know, I know...cue the eye roll, think it’s me just trying to sell you more product, but then hear me out. I know that’s what some of you did, because that’s what I used to do when someone tried to get me to buy into anything more than my drugstore face wash. But having been that girl, & coming to the light, I feel obligated to share the truth & rescue you from ignorance & sad skin. I’ll share another post soon about my skincare journey & epiphany, but not to hijack this post, let’s dive back into Fall. Some of us have to switch our skincare up a little with cooler temps and lower humidity (finally, great hair days return 🙌). For the summer we are usually trying combat an oily t-zone & shine in the wrong places. I skip my beloved Dew Date serum during the summer, because I definitely don’t need the extra moisture, however it doesn’t need to be cold to pull it back out. It’s still pretty warm here but even the slightest temp change has sent me digging in my lower drawer fit it. I realized I needed it when I wasn’t as pleased with makeup. It wasn’t as smooth and didn’t hold up quite as long. Enter- dew date & I got the airbrush, silky smooth look back & keep it all day! Just because you’re not super dry or peeling, doesn’t mean your skin isn’t begging for moisture. While some really dry girls use it twice a day, I only use in the A.M. before makeup. I have normal to dry skin so I wash with the Quench cleanser & moisturize with Skin Therapy. I don’t like the application of the Dew Date alone, so take a tip from me- do a little pump of  moisturizer on your finger & then add a little pump of dew date on that. Rub finger tips together & apply to face. I promise it’s a game changer for your makeup. 

Our sexy summer tan is starting to fad, & chances are your foundation needs to too. It’s because it’s time to change. Time to face it ladies, goodbye beachy bronze, hello beige highlight. It sucks, but we’re all there, & it seriously beats being that one oddly orange, overly self tannered friend in the group. So, let it go ladies & cough up a few extra bucks for the right shade, you’ll still have plenty left of your darker color come April. For me, I’m currently in the slow loss of color. So I’m too light for my olive 3, but not quite light enough for my olive 2. The solution- mix em! I do a dab of each & blend. You could also just jump to the lighter & highlight with a little bronzer though. Whatever you do though do not forget the primer before & the translucent powder to lock your look on all day & keep makeup from settling in fine lines. 

Olive 2 Foundation in Fall/Winter Mixed 2 &3 : Early Fall/Late Spring Olive 3 Foundation in Spring/Summer

Eyeshadows are where I really shine this season, both figuratively & literally 😉. Go crazy with shimmery golds, dark bronzes, with pops of maroons & oranges. And you can’t forget a tried and true neutral pallet. Perfect for the days you rock a bold lip. If I do a more neutral lipstick or gloss, I’ll go big on my eyes, & vice versa. Please don’t be that girl who shows up with a smoky eye & blood red lips for afternoon brunch. My mom always said if you wear a shorter skirt, make sure your chest is covered, & if you wear a lower top, don’t show your leg. Balance is key to classy vs trashy, & it applies to your makeup too.

This time of year has me reaching for the darker magenta pinks & leaving macaroon lip stains on my pumpkin spice filled coffee cups. Soft mauves & neutrals never go out of style, so they stay in the lineup all year for me, but I do swap out some brights for warmer tones. Ya’ll know I love my wine so it’s no surprise I lean toward reds with purple undertones. Sugar plum, ruby chocolate & so many more. So fall into some berries, red wines, & candy apples with me this month! 

Colors below in order (Peanut Butter Cup, Macaroon, & Sugar Plum).

This photo was taken at the LimeLife Fall launch in Hilton Head, SC a couple weeks ago. Kid in a candy store surrounded by this pretty, new collection.