Peach Fritters


If you’re looking for a warm, breakfast classic with a summer twist, these Peach Fritters “frit” the bill 😂 Okay, now I’m laughing & you’re rolling your eyes at my awful puns so let’s get started.

Matt’s always on me about blogging more recipes, & literally took this picture as he was yelling at me for not planning to blog. So, you have him to thank for the recipe below 😉 Sometimes blogging is daunting. Putting it in the site’s a pain, I don’t normally plan ahead what I’m making bc, we’ll I’m unorganized, & I don’t measure a whole lot (also drives Matt nuts, since things always come out a little different). But all the things fell into place today, I woke up early, had an excess of delicious peaches from Poet’s Blend that needed to be eaten, & apple fritters are one of my fam’s favorites, so a simple fruit swamp seemed easy enough.

I used my Nana’s apple fritter recipe, & tweaked it a little to account for the extra juice of peaches vs apples. We were pleased with them, so I hope you enjoy em too!



1 1/2 cups flour

3 tbs granulated sugar

1 1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp cinnamon

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

3 eggs

Just under 1/2 cup of milk

1 1/2 tbs butter, melted

About 3 peaches, I do a mixture of diced & chopped (if your local & need some, lmk & I’ll get you some from my pops)

Oil for frying

Glaze: 2 cups powdered sugar & around half a cup of milk 🤷🏻‍♀️ ha, but seriously, just mix it in slowly till you get the consistency & flavor you want for your glaze.


1. Mix flour, sugar, salt, cinnamon, & baking powder in bowl.

2. Whisk in eggs, milk & melted butter

3. Gently stir in peaches

4. Get enough oil in your pan so it’s at least 4 inches deep, then get it nice & hot. I normally put my gas stove on medium/high & give it around 5 mins.

5. Scoop spoonfuls of batter & drop in oil (about 1/2 cup spoonfuls or whatever size fritters you want)

6. Cook 3 mins, rotating half way through

7. Scoop fritter out & place on paper towels to drain

8. Drop fritters in glaze & rotate to cover

9. Give them a few mins for glaze to harden or just eat them hot & sticky like my family does 😉