God’s Big Confirmation Often Comes In Small Moments…

God’s big confirmation in small moments…

I slid both arms around my sons back & pulled him in…it caught me off guard—How much I needed it. How much a moment I didn’t even know mattered, mattered so much…to me & to him.

Last Monday was my last day of work. I sat in my quiet morning w/the freedom to let my thoughts wander instead of immediately being pored into a project…& wander they did. They wandered their way to “did I do the right thing?” & “now what, Heather?!”

Then they picked up their friend anxiety & drove me to the residence of doubt. Doubt that I was equipped for what God is calling me & how all the pieces of His puzzle will come together.

They circled stress & worry over the financial burden now fully resting upon my husbands strong, but surely tense shoulders, & dropped me off at “oh crap” as I sat in the loudness of my mind amidst a silent room.

Then God entered in the form of my tiny sons love & need for me. To calm my fears & reassure my weak & wandering mind I’d chosen the right path.

See, every morning I wake up early to work before the rest of the house rises & the morning chaos ensues. & almost every morning Colton trails my early start, rubbing his eyes awake as he tries to shake the tired off before getting to me. He comes in to steal a snuggle & my attention for just a moment in this calm & quiet.

I would hear him enter, glance up from my phone, smile & welcome him under the comfort of my blanket before getting back to the urgency of things in my hand. Most mornings he’d wrap himself around my left arm (my right arm always working) & slip in & out of a restless sleep. Never quite comfortable enough to fully settle in a deep sleep, but quiet all the same.

When his patience ran out, (which was always earlier than I would like) he’d press for breakfast & I’d reluctantly leave the deadlines of my phone for parfait making or oatmeal stirring, half there, half in other things I had to do later that day, that week, that month. I was disconnected & didn’t even realize it…Until that 5:25am, beautiful moment wrapped around him in my living room.

I heard his soft but hurried footsteps coming & was excited knowing that when he turned the corner, I was fully his-No phone to glance up from & return to. He felt it too. He smiled sleepily but big, & I soaked in how adorable he was, wondering if he’d grown more precious overnight or if I’d just been missing it. & then I hugged him & held him with TWO hands. Whoa..all the emotions hit in the weight of that moment & held me there in his tight embrace back.

I knew it was what he didn’t know he needed too. For the 1st time in a long time he fell back to sleep in my arms & slept so long he was late for school. In those simple moments of a changed morning routine my soul was refreshed, & I was calmed in the confirmation of my decision.

& I thought about all I’ve missed & all I won’t from here on out, & I thought about that expensive trip to Disney for his birthday next month we probably won’t take now, but agreed…I think we both like THIS better anyhow ❤️

The value of what we choose to do with our moments is more precious than we realize & will be greater than any & all earthly riches.

That is all.